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Neutron Scattering Study of Water Diffusion on Single-Supported Bilayer Lipid Membranes
The BASIS spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and a typical spectrum

Figure 2. Lower left: The neutron spectrometer BASIS at the Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge that was one of the instruments used to study the diffusion of water in samples of model membranes. Determination of the incident neutron energy to high precision requires an 84-meter long flight path as shown above the spectrometer. Right panel: typical spectrum of neutrons scattered from the water molecules in a single-supported membrane sample. The smallest change in energy of the neutron that the spectrometer can detect is 3.5 micro electron volts. This energy resolution corresponds to a water molecule performing a random translational motion with a time step of 1 ns.
Credits: Mengjun Bai