IGERT trainees design new process for evaluating courses

Achieving Environmental, Industrial, and Societal Sustainability via the Sustainable Futures Model
Michigan Technological University
(Houghton, MI)
Education Achievements
IGERT trainees design new process for evaluating courses
Two MTU Trainees, Karl Haapala and Jill Jensen, developed a process for evaluating a broad range of courses for the Graduate Certificate in Sustainability. The process was focused on determining which courses best fit the revised Certificate that now divides the courses into the following categories: society/environment, environment/industry, and industry/society. A small set of course that covered topics in at least two of the three pillars of sustainability were initially suggested. A form was then developed and widely distributed to faculty encouraging them to submit their courses for the Certificate. The form asked what percentage of a course was focused towards on each of the three pillars. Completed forms are currently being evaluated to determine whether suggested courses are appropriate fits. This process allows for the selection of courses that are best suited for the Certificate and also appears to be very helpful in broadening the course options of the students.
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