Inter-institutional research collaborations

Computational Molecular Biology Training Group 2
Iowa State University
(Ames, IA)
Research Achievements
Inter-institutional research collaborations
Productive inter-institutional research collaborations have continued to develop from the IGERT-sponsored partnership between ISU and NMSU. Results of this teamwork were showcased in a Workshop on Computational Structural Bioinformatics at the 2008 International IEEE BIBM Conference in Philadelphia. J He (IGERT advisor, NMSU) and Z Wu, (IGERT advisor, ISU) co-organized the event. Several IGERT students and faculty from both universities participated in the Workshop, including Dr. Aimin Yan, a recent IGERT trainee/graduate, now a postdoctoral fellow in the Dept. of Animal Science at ISU, presented work from his collaboration with Dr. Zhijun Wu (IGERT advisor, ISU). In addition, Yan was invited to be a co-organizer for the 2009 workshop, to be held in Washington, D.C. and to serve as a guest editor for a special issue of International Journal of Computational Biosciences focused on. biomolecular structure determination and refinement.
- “Research Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project