DREAM student becomes IGERT trainee

IGERT Fellowships in Nanoscale Science & Engineering: The Two-University/One Campus Approach 2
Drexel University
(Philadelphia, PA)
Education Achievements
DREAM student becomes IGERT trainee
The synergy of NSF-funded education programs at Drexel has resulted in a success story. Jenell Smith, a participant in the Drexel Research Experience in Advanced Materials (DREAM) REU site program, learned about our IGERT program during her 10 week research stay at Drexel in summer 2008. She applied and has been accepted as a new IGERT Trainee for the upcoming academic year. Her acceptance was based on recommendations from faculty at her undergraduate institution (Bucknell) and from her REU advisor at Drexel, Dr. Ulrike Wegst.
- “Education Achievements”
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