Outreach program for high school students

IGERT: Biological and Computational Foundations of Language Diversity
University of Maryland at College Park
(College Park, MD)
Education Achievements
Outreach program for high school students
An outreach event that the IGERT program organized for the benefit of high school students turned out to also have strong educational benefits for participating graduate students. Students took the lead in planning and delivering a series of hands-on activities for 80 AP-Psychology students from Northwood High School, a nearby high school that serves a very diverse population (around 70% minorities). The event was a great success for the graduate students and the high school students alike. The benefits for the graduate students were that they worked together in interdisciplinary groups, and that they designed activities that were suitable for conveying their research interests to a group of non-specialists, a skill that is essential for anybody who works in a diverse academic or research setting.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project