Analysis of power system with high wind energy penetration

IGERT: A New PhD Program in Wind Energy Science, Engineering and Policy
Iowa State University
(Ames, IA)
Research Achievements
Analysis of power system with high wind energy penetration
Trainees Nick Brown, Mike Johnson, and Ashley Mui analyzed a power system having a penetration level of wind energy (as a percentage of total generation) well above the current level in United States regional power markets. The objective of the analysis was to identify necessary changes in commitment (which units are "on"; which units are "off") and dispatch (generation level of the units that a "on") of conventional generating units under varying levels of uncertainty in net load. It was found that with increasing wind penetrations, corresponding increased net load variability will need additional system flexibility in the form of additional gas turbines, storage, demand response, or wind control. This work is contained in the following working paper: N. Brown, M. Johnson, and A. Mui, "Ramping capability market product with very high wind penetration."
- “Research Achievements”
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