Presenatation at International Conference on Urbanisation in the Arctic

IGERT: C-CHANGE: Climate Change, Humans, and Nature in the Global Environment
University of Kansas Center for Research Inc
(Lawrence, KS)
Research Achievements
Presenatation at International Conference on Urbanisation in the Arctic
IGERT Trainee Tony Reames (Science Policy) attended the First International Conference on Urbanisation in the Arctic in Nuuk, Greenland from August 28-30, 2012 to present his research titled “The Impact of Arctic Urbanization: The Urban Heat Island Effect in Nuuk, Greenland.” The project began as part of an IGERT course on "Climate Change in Greenland and the Arctic." Trainee Reames's study assesses the magnitude of the urban heat island effect in Greenland’s capital and largest city, Nuuk, and discusses the implications for public policymakers about mitigation and adaptation as more people move to urban areas in the Arctic. The conference was sponsored by Nordregio, in cooperation with Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland for researchers and policymakers who are directly involved in the development of Arctic societies.
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