COSI seminar features internationally renowned speakers

IGERT: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education in Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI)
University of Colorado at Boulder
(Boulder, CO)
Education Achievements
COSI seminar features internationally renowned speakers
The COSI seminar features internationally renowned speakers from academia, industry, and national labs. In addition to attending the talks, the trainees meet every week with the guest speakers in an informal setting to discuss scientific and engineering topics as well as career paths. During this year there were a total of 31 speakers, including 8 IGERT trainees, 20 invited speakers, a last year Physics Nobel Prize winner among them, from industry, national labs and other universities, and 3 CU faculty. When allowed by the speaker, videos of the talks are made available to the broader community at the program's website. The seminar also features a large number of attendees from academic units unrelated to the IGERT, from industry, and from national labs. These participants contribute to the diversity of the seminars and reinforce the broader impact of the IGERT in the computational optical imaging community and beyond.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project