Generation of ultrahigh harmonics from a table top laser system

IGERT: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education in Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI)
University of Colorado at Boulder
(Boulder, CO)
Research Achievements
Generation of ultrahigh harmonics from a table top laser system
IGERT participants at the University of Colorado - Department of Physics - have demonstrated generation of ultrahigh harmonics from a table top laser system, that emerge as a bright supercontinuum that spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum from the ultraviolet to more than 1.6 kilo–electron volts, allowing, in principle, the generation of pulses as short as 2.5 attoseconds. Emissions like this are important for nano and bio imaging and a breadth of materials and molecular dynamics studies. These advances will enable high-resolution tabletop microscopies of materials, nano- and biological samples with unprecedented combined spatial and temporal resolution. This achievement resulted in conference presentations and peer-reviewed publications, including one in Science that includes two COSI-IGERT trainees and two COSI-IGERT faculty.
- “Research Achievements”
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