IGERT participating program in a NSF grant award

IGERT: Natural-Human Systems in the Urbanizing Tropics
University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras
(San Juan, PR)
Education Achievements
IGERT participating program in a NSF grant award
The University was awarded an NSF grant under the DUE - INNOV INSTIT INTEGRAT-MSP program titled Maximizing Yield Through Integration (MYTI): Science and Math Education in the Context of a Disposing Society. This project created a Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME) based on existing NSF funded programs in the broad area of environmental sciences. The concept is to “maximize our yields” by bringing together existing NSF programs in order to collectively achieve more than what can be accomplished separately. IGERT is one of the participating programs (the IGERT PI is a coPI in this project) and nine IGERT students actively participated in the development of teaching units in the solid waste management and water areas. This enhances the trainees educational experience by exposing them to educational techniques needed for the preparation of the units. One trainee recently conducted a 3 day workshop for high school teachers on water subjects.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project