Trainee presents at Third International Symposium on Shallow Flows

IGERT: Geoinformatics for Environmental and Energy Modeling and Prediction (GEEMaP)
University of Iowa
(Iowa City, IA)
Trainee Achievements
Trainee presents at Third International Symposium on Shallow Flows
Trainee Ben Abban presented a paper entitled "Using a one-dimensional morphodynamic model to study sediment transport in rills" at the Third International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Iowa City, IA, in June, 2012. Abban and Kenneth Wacha, who will be joining GEEMaP as a trainee in fall of 2013, were co-authors of another paper, "Investigating the effects of soil surface roughness and landscape topography on the dynamics of upland erosion processes," which was presented at the same symposium.
- “Trainee Achievements”
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