Reactive materials for reducing exposure to ozone

Indoor Environmental Science and Engineering - An Emerging Frontier
University of Texas at Austin
(Austin, TX)
Trainee Achievements
Reactive materials for reducing exposure to ozone
IGERT trainee Elliott Gall and affiliates Donna Kunkel and Clement Cros have completed novel research related to the use of reactive materials for reducing indoor concentrations and concomitant population exposures to ozone. Two undergraduate students (Alix Broadfoot and Erin Darling) have also worked on this study. The team completed experiments in the laboratory and in our new IGERT test house to prove the concept of passively (no energy penalty) removing ozone and reducing related by-product formation in a real home. This study is receiving great attention as it suggests that population exposures to ozone can be reduced by 30 to 50% at relatively low cost with reactive materials on walls or overhead fan blades. It has lead to a submitted journal article, two papers accepted for presentation at Healthy Buildings 2009, and a follow-up study with the US Green Building Council (underway and providing funds for IGERT affiliates).
- “Trainee Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project