Trainee receives George M. Wright Climate Change Fellowship

Global Linkages of Biology, Environment, and Society (GLOBES)
University of Notre Dame
(Notre Dame, IN)
Trainee Achievements
Trainee receives George M. Wright Climate Change Fellowship
GLOBES IGERT Trainee Patrick Shirey has received a prestigious George M. Wright Climate Change Fellowship from the National Park Service. The goals of the competitive student fellowship program are to support new and innovative research on climate change impacts to protected areas and to increase the use of scientific knowledge to further resource management in national parks. Shirey's interdisciplinary research seeks to inform ecosystem restoration efforts, merging the disciplines of ecology, history, and law. The funded project takes place on the Saint Croix National Scenic River where native brook trout are a dwindling species. Armed with temperature recordings and fish surveys, the researchers will help park managers understand which stream reaches are the most important to protect or restore now and in the future in order to ensure that native trout remain part of this river ecosystem.
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