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Trainee receives Hoshaw Scholarship

Trainee Achievements

Trainee receives Hoshaw Scholarship

Jennifer Wisecaver, a trainee in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department, received the Robert W. Hoshaw scholarship. This award is the highest honor given to graduate students in that department. The student must be nominated by faculty in the department, and preference is given to students who have recently published a strong paper. This year, Jennifer published two peer-reviewed papers. She also has two papers in revision and she recently submitted another. She has been invited to give a talk at the 7th International Symbiosis Congress in Poland in July. Jennifer has received four years of IGERT funding, and she has greatly benefited from the training she received through the IGERT program. As a senior student, Jennifer has taken on leadership roles by mentoring other IGERT students on their research projects in the "Problems in Genomics" Course and providing help for the bioinformatics portion of the Foundations Course.