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Team develops bioremediation system

Research Achievements

Team develops bioremediation system

A team of trainees from Geophysics, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Computer Science with their advisors are developing a near-real-time bioremediation system. Over the past period, trainees have published a paper on reduced data communication for parallel CMA-ES for near-REal-time Autonomous bioremediation of ConTamination in the Subsurface and made numerous conference presentations. They have also performed SIP experiments on lab scale systems to physical and biogeochemical to alterations in electric charge conduction and capacitance. Interdisciplinary research and testing is ongoing in the areas of detecting bioremediation, developing networking and algorithms for data acquisition and analysis, and developing better understanding in detection of biogeochemical bioremediation. Field work is scheduled for summer 2012 at a DOE Fund Integrated Field Research Challenge Site (IFRC) in Rifle CO where trainees are working closely with Kenneth Williams and his team from Laurence B