Novel approach to map human brain connections developed

IGERT: Interacting with the Brain: Mechanisms, Optimization, and Innovation
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
(Minneapolis, MN)
Research Achievements
Novel approach to map human brain connections developed
Brain stimulation represents an increasingly powerful and important tool to probe the functional connectivity between brain regions and investigate the role information passing between brain regions has on perception, behavior, and cognition. Research groups within our IGERT program have recently developed a novel approach to map human brain connections using high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging at 7T. We have also developed a novel computer-modeling framework to predict the brain pathways that are modulated by deep brain stimulation. These collaborations demonstrate a high degree of interdisciplinary neuromodulation research occurring between IGERT-affiliated engineering and neuroscience groups at our institution. There have been six publications in the last year related to deep brain stimulation from IGERT core faculty.
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