Nanocomposites using EPON 824

Multidisciplinary Graduate Education and Research Training in Nanomaterials Science and Engineering
Tuskegee University
(Tuskegee, AL)
Research Achievements
Nanocomposites using EPON 824
Nanocomposites using EPON 824 as its matrix were exposed to pulse laser at 532 nm, for various time intervals. The developed nanomaterials used for this study were manufactured using EPON 824 with MWCNT at a loading rate of 0.15% by weight and nanoclays (NC) at a loading rate of 2% by weight, as reinforcements. The effect of laser irradiation on polymer composites has been investigated. The degradation mechanism for the epoxy was of a laser induced burning nature. Of all specimens tested, the ultimate strength of the MWCNT reinforced specimens decreased the most as a function of radiation time; the nanoclay reinforced epoxy retained the most ultimate strength after 2 minutes of laser radiation. In addition, the threshold fluence for decomposition indicated that less energy was required to initiate decomposition in the MWCNT reinforced epoxy than the nanoclay reinforced epoxy.
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