Trainee coauthors in 'Nucleic Acids Research'

IGERT: Integrating Computational Science into Research in Biological Networks
Boston University
(Boston, MA)
Research Achievements
Trainee coauthors in 'Nucleic Acids Research'
IGERT trainee Eric Franzosa in Wang, Franzosa, Zhang, and Xia (2010). Protein evolution in yeast transcription factor subnetworks. Nucleic Acids Research: 38, 5959-69. When averaged over the full yeast protein-protein interaction and transcriptional regulatory networks, protein hubs with many interaction partners or regulators tend to evolve significantly more slowly than non-hubs. However, analysis of the subnetworks of yeast transcription factors (TFs) reveals that TF hubs do not tend to evolve significantly more slowly than TF non-hubs. More importantly, the correlations between evolutionary rate and degrees for TFs are significantly more positive than those for generic proteins within the same global protein-protein interaction and transcriptional regulatory networks. Compared to generic protein hubs, TF hubs operate at a higher level in the hierarchical structure of cellular networks, and hence experience additional evolutionary forces.
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