NSF Fellowship funds integrative approach

IGERT: Integrating Computational Science into Research in Biological Networks
Boston University
(Boston, MA)
Trainee Achievements
NSF Fellowship funds integrative approach
IGERT Fellow Sara Garamszegi received an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship covering academic years 2011-2014, allowing her to pursue research with Dr. Yu Xia (Chemistry) and Dr. John Connor (Microbiology). Her proposed thesis work integrates computational and experimental analyses of the host-virus interactome. Virology is typically conducted using a reductionist approach which examines virus-specific interaction signatures (e.g. host response to infection) using high-resolution experimental data analysis, such as microarrays. In contrast, a systems biology approach can elucidate general mechanisms governing host-virus interaction, using for example protein-protein interaction networks. Integrating the two disciplines will provide information about universally applicable patterns of viral infection, while simultaneously examining the consequences of specific host-pathogen interactions. Sara is representing the Bioinformatics Program in the 2011 IGERT Trainee Poster Competition.
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