Electrical excitation of surfaces plasmons

Nanophotonics: Fundamentals and Applications in Emerging Technologies
William Marsh Rice University
(Houston, TX)
Research Achievements
Electrical excitation of surfaces plasmons
The direct electrical excitation of surface plasmons is extremely attractive for chip-based plasmonic circuits and would enable numerous device applications, such as new, high-efficiency solid state lighting sources. Currently, electrical excitation of surface plasmons requires high energy electron beams. Alternatively, direct electron injection from tunneling junctions into plasmonic waveguides would be a highly practical method for the electrical excitation of plasmons, however this approach requires reliable fabrication of metallic gaps in the < 10 nm size range, which is below the limit of even the highest resolution e-beam fabrication methods. We have developed a hybrid nanofabrication procedure that reliably produces sub-10 nm tunneling junctions in planar geometries with a working device efficiency of greater than 80%. These structures are currently being integrated into surface plasmon waveguides to characterize the properties of surface plasmon generation.
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