Trainee presents seminar

IGERT: Graduate Program in Computational Transportation Science
University of Illinois at Chicago
(Chicago, IL)
Trainee Achievements
Trainee presents seminar
During this reporting period, CTS Fellow Douglas Lundquist completed his PhD. In April, he presented a seminar "A Context-Aware Paradigm for Information Discovery and Dissemination in Mobile Environments" in which he proposes an economic paradigm to address the question of how to allocate limited network resources efficiently and fairly despite the uncertainty common in highly dynamic ad hoc transportation networks. He presented results for random walk and vehicular mobility models, implementation of aggregation and filtering, and extensions for high-density scenarios.
Two other CTS Fellows, Josh Auld and Caitlin Cotrill will complete there degrees by June, 2011 and are searching for employment in research oriented or academic positions.
- “Trainee Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project