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Electrodes for neural recording

Trainee Achievements

Electrodes for neural recording

BioEngineering student Nicholas Alba's research in the lab of Professor Tracy Cui concerns the development of chronically implanted electrodes for neural recording. His IGERT project explores the microinjection of the enzyme chondroitinase ABC into rat cortical tissue to see if it can disrupt the formation of glial scar tissue. He received training in surgical implantation and microinjection techniques, and histology. In the past year, Sadtler has overcome a number of technical problems by modifying the injection probe to improve flow, lengthening it to improve tissue penetration and provide a more consistent injection volume and shape, and improving cannula anchoring. Histology methods were also improved by adopting a parallel sectioning method. As a result, he has obtained preliminary results showing eradication of chondroitin sulfate within the scar tissue immediately after enzyme injection, but near full recovery one week post-injection.