THz work featured in media

Terahertz Science and Technology - A Studio-Based Approach
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
(Troy, NY)
Trainee Achievements
THz work featured in media
The THz work performed at Rensselaer such as THz-REEF (THz-radiation enhanced-emission-of-fluorescence) and coherent polarization control of THz waves generated from two-color laser-induced gas plasma were featured in media, and an interview with Nature Photonics. The work led to the winning of the 2011 Lemelson-Rensselaer Student Prize. A list of media includes: The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, MSNBC, Times Union, The Record, Sandia National Lab Daily News, and Science Daily. News broadcasting include YNN-Channel 9, WNYT-Channel 13, WRGB-Channel 6, and WXXA-Channel 23. There was also an interviewed for an article in Popular Mechanics magazine "Tomorrow's All-Stars: The Next Generation of Game-Changing Engineers" which will appear in the fall issue. In addition, IGERT trainee Ben Clough was awarded a DOD SMART Scholarship in part made possible by NSF funded research that led to a direct contact with the JIEDDO (Joint Improvised Explosive Devices Defect Organization).
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