Trainee develops gluten-free crust

Macromolecular Interfaces with Life Sciences: Oxidative Processes (MILES)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
(Blacksburg, VA)
Research Achievements
Trainee develops gluten-free crust
The Virginia Tech food product development team led by MILES IGERT trainee Vinodini Buck (Food Science and Technology) developed a gluten-free crust known as Gluten-eze. This product was selected as one of the top six products among 25 other entries from universities across the United States. Vinodini Buck and her team will be presenting the product at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) annual meeting in Chicago, July 2010. Vinodini Buck has shown her leadership skills by leading the product development team in addition to also being the graduate student delegate representing the Food Science and Technology Department at the Virginia Tech Graduate Student Assembly. Vinodini and the product development team have received travel awards from the Washington DC section of IFT and the Virginia Tech Graduate Student Assembly to attend and showcase their product at the national meeting.
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